Delta Consulting-Study Abroad, Business Management, Export Import
study abroad

International Scholarship Search-

For us, this is the MOST IMPORTANT thing for a student, because our main motto is to admit students in a renowned International University with a scholarship. For helping students, we are the ONLY ABROAD EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT IN INDIA, WHO POSTS STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INDIAN/INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS every day in our Delta Consulting's News Section, Facebook PageGoogle+, and Twitter. Most of the developing country students like Indian cannot afford their international education dreams due to lack of funding. But nowaday’s several funding opportunities are available. With proper guidance and accurate documentation preparation, lots of students are getting scholarships abroad.  

Our founder has wide experiences in scholarship search, as after taking GRE & TOEFL exams, he has been selected by various universities across the globe for his master study with a full and partial scholarship which includes

1.Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Milan, Italy (100 % scholarship) 
2. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain (100 % scholarship) 
3. Royal Institution of Technology (KTH), Sweden (100 % scholarship)
4. Heriot-Watt University, UK (100% scholarship)
5. Umea University, Sweden (100 % scholarship)
6. The University of Nottingham, UK (25 % scholarship) 
7. Delft University, The Netherland, (25 % scholarship)  
8. City College of New York, United States
9. The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, Thailand 
10. University of Wales Swansea, UK 
11. Cranfield University, UK


In scholarship application, sometimes you do not have to apply separately as it is already offered by the Institution for your course. Otherwise, you have to apply it separately after getting your offer.

There are several scholarship options available for the Indian/International students 

1. Scholarship offered by your own Country 

2. Scholarship offered by your University’s host Country
3. Scholarship offered by the Universities 

It is a kind of research which takes lots of time and energy. Our previous experience will help to do it for you. Please follow Delta Consulting news sectionFacebookTwitter, and Google+ for upcoming scholarships for Indian/International students.      

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